I enjoy making a difference


Warren grew up seeing his father donate blood regularly, and today he carries on the family tradition. With O+ blood, he steps up to give blood nearly every 56 days.

But Warren's influence reaches well beyond the blood he donates. He has been the primary chairperson for his church's blod drive for more than 10 years. During this time, Warren has touched thousands of lives in our community hospitals. When asked what keeps him going after all these years, Warren answers, "I enjoy making a difference and knowing my volunteering will provide a special gift to patients in Sioux Falls."

I will always be thinking about this time in my life and how blood donations gave me a new opportunity with my family.


Greg has been a blood donor for over 15 years. He was a dedicated person to count on to provide O- blood in support of those patients critically needing his blood type. Over the years, Greg has donated 10 gallons of blood, which has provided a lifesaving gift up to 240 patients.

A year ago, Greg was diagnosed with Leukemia, he underwent treatment to place him into remission and on a path for a long future. During this treatment, Greg received 10 blood product transfusions. Because of the generosity of a stranger, Greg was given life. Greg states, "I understand how the patients that received my blood donations now feel after a transfusion. It is a bit overwhelming to know a volunteer provided a gift that is so important to my well-being and future. I will always be thinking about this time in my life and how blood donations gave me a new opportunity with my family. Please donate blood, it will save lives and maybe your own."