Den Hartog Industries, Hospers IA
Den Hartog Industries 4010 Hospers Drive, Hospers, IA, United StatesMaking the difference in our local patients and providing hope.
Making the difference in our local patients and providing hope.
Calling all blood types to help solidify the community's blood supply by donating blood on the bloodmobile on May 6th. We need your help to save lives in the Worthington community. CLICK THE LINK TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT:
Giving blood to keep our blood supply strong during the pandemic!
Join in to save local lives and keep our blood supply strong during COVID.
Donating blood on the Community Blood Bank bloodmobile to save local lives in our community.
Joining in to save lives and impacting our community's patients.
Donating blood on the bloodmobile to impact the lives of patients at Brookings Health System. "Keeping donations local"