YRC Freight, Sioux Falls, SD
Giving blood to save patients in need at our Sioux Falls hospitals.
Giving blood to save patients in need at our Sioux Falls hospitals.
Giving blood is extremely important but even more urgent during the COVID pandemic. Please consider donating blood at this event. To schedule an appointment call 605-793-2285.
Making the difference in our local patients by hosting a blood drive with Community Blood Bank.
Giving blood and saving local lives, 30 minutes will save up to 3 patients lives.
Join us to save local lives at Avera Merrill Pioneer Hospital and donate blood at this important event. It is a struggle to maintain a strong blood supply going through the COVID-19 pandemic. CLICK THE LINK TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/CentralLyonCommunityBloodDrive
Giving blood and saving local lives, 30 minutes will save up to 3 patients lives.
Giving blood and saving local lives, 30 minutes will save up to 3 patients lives. Click the link to schedule your donation: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/GreatLifeSertomaAveBloodDrive
Giving blood and saving local lives, 30 minutes will save up to 3 patients lives.
Community Blood Bank is looking for residents to give blood and save local lives during the COVID crisis. Click on the link to schedule your appointment: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/PIpestoneBloodDrive