Dakotaland Manufacturing, Sioux Falls, SD
Giving blood and saving lives in our community through Community Blood Bank.
Giving blood and saving lives in our community through Community Blood Bank.
Help is greatly needed as we face a critical blood shortage in our community. We are immediately in need of donors with O and A blood types. Please donate with us at the Flandreau Community Center on Nov. 11. Click the link to schedule your donation: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/FlandreauDonateBlood
Donating to the local blood provider to save local lives.
Join us to save local lives and impact our community patients. The need for blood is at a critical level and the call for donors with O and A blood types is immediate. Click the link to schedule your appointment today: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/KELOLANDBLOODDRIVE
Join Trinity Lutheran Church as they host an "Emergency Pop-up" community blood drive on Thursday, Nov. 12. Click the link to save local lives and schedule your appointment today: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/TeaBloodDrive
Your donation is needed urgently to impact our community and save the lives of our community patients. All who donate will receive a FREE Buffet certificate. Click the link to schedule your life saving blood donation: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/PizzaRanchBloodDrive
Join us to save local lives at Prairie Lakes Healthcare System! The need for blood donations has increased by 35% in the last two weeks for the local area. Click the link to schedule your donation now: http://www.prairielakes.com/event/2458/community-blood-drive.html
Please consider donating blood on Monday, Nov. 16 on the SDSU campus with blood donor registration located in the Student Union (Black Hills Conference Room) from 10am to 1pm & 2:30pm to 5pm.
Making a difference in the community's blood supply and saving the lives of patients of Madison Regional Health System.
Donating blood to impact our community!