Avera Holy Family Hospital, Estherville, IA

Avera Holy Family Hospital 826 N. 8th Street, Estherville, SD, United States

Help local patients in need requiring a blood transfusion by scheduling your donation today: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/averaholyfamapril14#/

Beresford High School, Beresford, SD

Beresford High School 301 W. Maple Street, Beresford, SD, United States

Join us to provide life-saving blood for local patients in need.

Hills-Beaver Creek High School, Hills, MN

Hills-Beaver Creek High School 301 N. Summit Avenue, Hills, MN, United States

Join in to save lives and impact our community. To schedule your donation call 507-962-3240

Sanford Jackson Medical Center, Jackson, SD

Sanford Jackson Medical Center 1430 N. Highway, Jackson, MN, United States

Partner with us to save lives in your community. Please click HERE to schedule your appointment

Encompass Health, Sioux Falls, SD

Encompass Health 4700 W. 69th Street, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

We need your help to keep the local blood supply strong. Click the link to schedule your donation today: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/encompassapril18#/

Great Shots, Sioux Falls, SD

Great Shots 2505 W. Benson Road, Sioux Falls, SD

The need is great and we need your help to save the lives of local patients in our community. Click the link to schedule your donation:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/greatshotsapril18#/

Canton United Methodist Church, Canton, SD

United Methodist Church Canton 621 E. 4th Street, Canton, SD, United States

Joining in to save the lives of local patients in need. Click HERE  to schedule your donation today!