Vern Eide Motorcars, Sioux Falls, SD

Vern Eide Honda 5200 S. Louise Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

You can make the difference in our community's blood supply and local patients in need by donating blood on the Community Blood Bank's bloodmobile.

Faith Baptist Church, Sioux Falls, SD

You can make the difference in our community's blood supply and local patients in need by donating blood on the Community Blood Bank's bloodmobile.

Avera Medical Group Larchwood, Larchwood IA

Avera Medical Group Larchwood 916 Holder Street, Larchwood, SD, United States

Join this winter community blood drive on Tuesday, Jan. 28 to impact the lives of local patients in our community.

Midco, Sioux Falls,

Join in to celebrate the gift of life at this special blood drive during National Blood Donor month.

Plains Commerce Bank, Sioux Falls SD

Plains Commerce Bank 3905 W. 49th Street, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Giving blood to save local lives and impact our community's blood supply during National Blood Donor Month.

Orthopedic Institute, Sioux Falls, SD

Orthopedic Institute 810 E. 23rd Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Giving blood and saving local lives in our community.  Making an impact during National Blood Donor Month.

Vision Eye Care, Sioux Falls, SD

Give blood during National Blood Donor month to support the local blood supply in our community.  Join us to provide hope!