Hy-Vee, Brookings, SD

Hy-Vee Brookings 790 22nd Avenue S., Brookings, SD, United States

Help local patients in need requiring a blood transfusion by scheduling your donation today: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/hyveejan20#/

Village Northwest Unlimited, Sheldon, IA

Village Northwest Unlimited 330 Village Circle, Sheldon, SD, United States

Partner with us to save lives in your community. Call 712-324-4873 to schedule an appointment.

USD Serve Group, Vermillion, SD

USD Muenster Center 414 E. Clark Street, Vermillion, SD, United States

Help local patients in need requiring a blood transfusion by scheduling your donation today: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/usdservejan21#/

Sanford Sheldon Medical Center, Sheldon, IA

Sanford Sheldon Medical Center 118 N. 7th Avenue, Sheldon, SD, United States

Help local patients in need requiring a blood transfusion by scheduling your donation today:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/sanfsheljan21#/

Roosevelt High School, Sioux Falls, SD

Roosevelt High School 6600 W. 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Impacting community patients lives is as easy as scheduling your appointment to donate blood. Join us by clicking on the link to schedule your donation today: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/roosjan22#/

Brandon Valley High School, Brandon, SD

Brandon Valley High School 301 S. Splitrock Blvd, Brandon, SD, United States

Be AWESOME this year and save lives in your community by donating blood. Click HERE to save lives on January 22.

Brandon Valley High School, Brandon, SD

Brandon Valley High School 301 S. Splitrock Blvd, Brandon, SD, United States

Join us to provide life-saving blood for local patients in need. Click HERE to schedule your appointment.

Osceola Regional Health Center, Sibley, IA

Osceola Regional Health Center 600 9th Avenue N., Sibley, IA, United States

Joining in to save local lives in our community by hosting a blood drive with the Community Blood Bank. Please call 712-754-5358 to schedule an appointment.